About Me

I am a teenager who needs a new outlet to vent.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Working with Friends

Group Projects Suck!!!

I have two oral projects to work on and a lab report to do. I can never find time do to any of them. My partner and i for one of my projects can never start work and when we do we can't chose a topic. she wants one that i don't want and vice versa. W and i finaly chose a topic and started working but then we had to stop so at least that project worked but i have an english presentation that doesn't have a due date. its due when we finish reading tha part it on so i want to have it finished by a certin time but my group (5 boys and me) can't agree on anything. I just want us to start working on it and transcripting it but they just can't seem to agree. i hope they do cause i will tell my teacher they didn't. and then i have a lab report that i just haven`t had time to do my part so i finally have time now but then he has bugged me so much. i hope to finish it soon so he can stop bugging me.i think the worst thing is that i keep leating him down and giving him excuses to get more time but in the end i am letting him down and i really need to stop doing that! i love group projects so i don`t have to do the work but just trying to get them started and finding time to get together is murder. I hope everything works out!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

My Parents

My Parents infuriate me!!!

Today i was driving and i have only had my license for three months i made some mistakes and i am still not a perfect but my dad everytime i'd make a mistake would not say nicely. u mad a mistake no. he has to say "fail"! how mean is that. he made me feel realy bad so when we were going out for dinner i made a joke which wasn't taken as one so my parents didn't take me out for dinner! and the when i called to tell them that i had fallen down the stairs and hurt myself i only go a i'll call u back. when they got home just because i was mad and didn't watch where i was going and fell, i get a its ur own fault and then they go to fix the phones. am i no better that a phone. do ur parents ever treat u like this?

What is the biggest nusence in our lives?